Feria de Zaragoza

Fast and easy way to collect all the information !

MIXIE POINT is a QR code that gives you information of the brand or product you are scanning.
You only need your mobile phone and the ENOMAQ 2025 APP.


- All the information of the ENOMAQ 2025 in your mobile phone

- Totally free or charge

- All the information in order: you can create different folders for the scanned information

- You can watch the folders online, don’t need to download

- Share the information with your contacts

- Sustainable, you can collaborate with the paper reduction

- Always updated: if the company updates any information, the folders will automatically be updated.


It is as this easy:

  1. Download the ENOMAQ APP                        Download APP
  2. Open Mixie Point
  3. Scan the QR Code you are interested
  4. You have reached the information you were looking for!
  • Cataloguess
  • Flyers
  • Videos
  • Pictures
  • Webs

Do you have any questions? You can write an email to mixiepoint@feriazaragoza.es