Feria de Zaragoza

Obtain your passes via our Platform for Visitors

Press the link on the left to open our Platform for Visitors to Feria de Zaragoza, where you can find and download your accreditations for different events.

In order to obtain your passes you must register on Platform for Visitors. Follow the instructions to complete your registry.

In case of doubts, you can fill in our contact form, or send us an email to: info@feriazaragoza.es

Obtain discount vouchers on your journey to Zaragoza.

Access this link to get interesting discounts on your train journey.

To obtain your vouchers, you must fill in a form with your personal data. Follow the instructions to get your discount vouchers.

In case of doubts, you can fill in our, contact form, or send us an email to: info@feriazaragoza.es

Application for group pass 20

In order to speed up the entry of groups of more than 20 people, Feria de Zaragoza offers this special pass, which includes free parking for a bus on the site.

To process your application, please complete the following form with the required data.

It is mandatory that all attendees enter at the same time and through the same door.

If you have any questions, you can send an email to: atencion.visitante@feriazaragoza.es

Application for group pass 40

This type of pass is intended for groups of more than 40 people.

Feria de Zaragoza wants to encourage the visit of associations, universities and training groups, and will consider the possibility of a financial contribution to cover part of bus transport cost to our venue.

In order to process the application for a group 40 pass and the financial allocation study, please complete the following form with the required data. It is mandatory that all attendees enter at the same time and through the same door.

If you have any questions, you can send an email to: atencion.visitante@feriazaragoza.es